6 monthly payments of $105.00

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2024-25 Year Pass Membership - EZ Pay

What People Are Saying:

I've been a member of In Flight since 2011. I can't say enough great things about this club! Michael Merlino, the head coach, is an experienced, dedicated, savvy coach. My overall running experience (emotional and physical) has improved significantly and I've made some wonderful friends over the years. Win-win! I highly recommend joining, especially if you're training for a half or full marathon. Training alone is dreadful! You learn SO much having the guidance of a seasoned coach and the support of your fellow running mates. It makes all the difference in the world.

Sharlie Velasco

It's not an exaggeration to say that InFlight Running has changed my life. When I started, I knew very little about running and had never even enjoyed running. Less than a year later, I've experienced significant improvement and now love to get up and run every day (well most days, coach makes me rest some). I wholeheartedly recommend Coach Michael and the InFlight team for anyone looking to improve their running. While running may seem like a solo sport, I can assure you that training with a team made all the difference for me.

Wynn Walker